Valerie and I are delighted to announce that we shall be getting married on 23rd May 2015. Although we had known of each other for a few years, it was your.
I met my amazing girlfriend through this site almost a year ago, currently celebrating six months to the day of being officially in a relationship. We have so.
I met my wonderful husband on here back in October 2012 it really was the most perfect muddy match! We got married on May 24th this year and are as happy as.
I found my very lovely girl friend thanks to your website!! I am so happy with her and will tell people who are looking for love to use this site!! Will.
I met a lovely man through your site about 2 months ago, we have a lot of things in common and are looking forward to even more! Many thanks, Marianne..
Just thought you'd like an update on how one of your muddy matches is going! We celebrated our first wedding anniversary in June and to celebrate I did.