Success Stories

Yesterday Neil asked me the most important question of my life...and I said yes :) thank God for Muddy Matches! Amy.

Excellent site, easy to use…
Excellent site, easy to use and a added bonus I have met someone. For me it was difficult as I was a widow and not sure if it was the right way to go. I.

Found a gorgeous lady…
I have found a gorgeous lady on your site, thank you very much! Jason.

Linking like-minded country folks together…
I'm writing just to say thanks very much for your help and advice. I enjoyed being on your site, you have done a great job in linking like-minded country.

It was a perfect day…
Dear MM team We thought you'd like to hear of another MM success and marriage! Rob & I were married on Saturday 31 May in Hovingham, North Yorkshire. We.

Met someone really nice through the site…
I have met someone really nice through the site many thanks Ian.

I’m so happy that I joined the site…
I've found my man :). I'm so happy that I joined the site. Would defiantly recommend! Thanks guys !! X Sophia.

Would recommend it to anyone…
Just like to thank all the people who created Muddy Match.... met a beautiful girl on here...:-))) and could be happier. Really love the simplicity of the.

She’s absolutely perfect!..
Thank you very much!! I have met my dream girl through your site, its amazing, she’s absolutely perfect! Without Muddy Matches, we would never have found.