Success Stories

Shooting Times sub-editor Abigail (also known as Mrs Shotgun Chef) got in touch to tell us about how she met her husband (The Shot Gun Chef) on Muddy Matches..

Well done Muddy Matches…
I'm dating someone I met on the site, so well done Muddy Matches and a big thank you!! Fred.

Met my fiancée on Muddy Matches…
Met my fiancée on Muddy Matches two years ago last Friday and we are soon tying the knot in July this year on his farm. Many thanks for an alternative dating.

I met a gorgeous man from this site…
I met a gorgeous man from this site so pretty happy now and the search is off :) Joanne.

It was love first site…
Hi Muddy team! I have met the girl of my dreams all thanks to you. She might be 270 miles away but we have met and it was love first site. And we are hoping.

We both feel on cloud 9…
I have met the most amazing man. We both feel on cloud 9 and and make each other very happy. Thank you for all the work you put into this site and look.

I’ve met the man of my dreams on this site…
I've met the man of my dreams on this site. Clare.