Country People Articles

In Leap Year tradition, meet Steph who proposed on Feb 29th to greens farm manager Steve, after meeting on Muddy Matches

Linda meets her muddy match in double quick time
West Yorkshire dog lover unearths a Muddy Match who is 'happy with their lot in life'

Victoria lands her long term muddy soulmate.
Norfolk dog lover takes the lead on her love life and finds new romance after divorce.

‘Love at first sight does exist’ on Muddy Matches
Do you believe in love at first sight? Norfolk nature lover Kate does after meeting her 'soulmate' on Muddy Matches.

Muddy Matches gave me confidence to date again.
A widower with her heart in the Welsh countryside has joined Muddy Matches looking to unearth someone with the 'same zest for life'.

‘I’m glad I took the chance.’
Rural single turns to Trust Pilot to tell of her 'textbook' online dating experience that unearthed my Muddy Match.

Singles making love, and hay, whilst the sun shines
Muddy Matches awash with new muddy love stories from country couples who match, meet and then date during the summer of love.

Mud lovers plan a winter wedding after matching online
Horse owner Johanna finds the muddy love of her life in agronomist Andrew, and the country couple are now engaged to be marred.

“We cut our wedding cake with a chainsaw”
A tractor bride, matching blue wedding day wellies and a chainsaw to cut the cake, Martin and Hannah go big on the muddy marriage touches.

International mud lovers plan big life change together
An international mud lover’s hopes of being reunited with her muddy matched dairy farming British boyfriend have undergone a rethink

Sometimes it pays to venture outside your comfort zone.
Taking a different approach to online dating inspires Alex to unearth her muddy Mr Right in double quick time on Muddy Matches.