Dating Message Articles

Messages on dating sites should be three things; personal, short and not weird. By personal, we mean that you shouldn’t send exactly the same message to.

How to Get a Date for Valentine’s Day
Valentine's Day is fast approaching, but fear not, it's not too late to find yourself a date. According to our Valentine's statistics 71% of members would.

How to Market Yourself
There are two ways to go about internet dating; you can sit back and hope for the best, or you can be proactive and make sure that you get the most out of it.

Dating Message Safety Tips
We take online dating safety very seriously, so along with tips about how to protect your safety on your profile and in your photos, here is a guide to dating.

10 Online Dating Message Tips
What’s the best way to get noticed on an online dating site? The answer is to send messages to people who you would like to get to know. Here are 10 tips for.

Replying to a Message on a Dating Site
We’ve given lots of tips about how to send a first message and even given examples of messages to send to people, but how do you reply when you receive your.

10 First Message Dos and Don’ts
Sending a message to someone is the bread and butter of internet dating, so we’re created a 10 point guide to what you should and shouldn’t do when sending.

Top 10 Mistakes People Make on Dating Sites
Whether you join a niche site like Muddy Matches or a generic dating site, it’s important to avoid these common mistakes when online dating: Not uploading a.

Dating Message Etiquette
Sending and receiving messages is the bread and butter of online dating, but it is also the thing that most people are uncertain about, so here we have tried.

Making the Most of the Run-up to Valentine’s Day
The week leading up to Valentine’s Day is the busiest time on online dating sites, so if you’re looking to meet someone online, now is the perfect time to.

Dating Messages – Examples
If I could give you one bit of advice Good examples “Hi James, I really like your profile and you made me laugh with your comment about the kind of girls you.