Dating Message Articles

Using cliches in your profile No two profile texts should be the same because everyone is unique. However, there are phrases that come up time and time again.

Where am I Going Wrong?
Dating success is dictated by two things - luck and self promotion. We can't help you with the luck side of things (if we did we'd be saving the world), but.

Responding to Rejection
Unfortunately rejection is just part and parcel of online dating, so it's important to know how to deal with it so that you can move on and meet someone new..

Message Tips
When should I send a message? When you spot someone who you like or when someone interesting adds you to their favourites list. How much should I write? Keep.

Messaging Dos and Don’ts
Do send messages to people who have favourited you - Adding someone to your favourites list is the grown up way of pulling their hair in the playground. If.

5 Messages You Shouldn’t Send
Having an online dating profile with no intention of sending any messages is a bit like going to the supermarket just to have a look around. So, sending.

How to Write an Opening Message
From 8th-14th of December 2014 we will be giving 10p per message that is sent on Muddy Matches to R.A.B.I., which will hopefully encourage people to be brave.

Why Haven’t They Replied to My Message?
No, this isn't a delayed Halloween post (we do know what the date is). This post is to let you know the inadvertent ways in which people can frighten off.

5 Great Reasons to Subscribe Today
Waiting could make you miss out - Our latest success story proves that waiting one more day could mean that you miss out on meeting the love of your life..

How Many Messages Should I Send?
When it comes to sending messages to people, it should be based on how you feel rather than a set of rules. However, here are a few guidelines if you’re not.