Dating Articles

Avoid cliches Show your sense of humour Don't be a welly Keep up-to-date Make the first move.

5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Chances
upggp You don't make time for romance - You've dismissed online dating - You expect people to come to you - You're hung up on your ex You've not told.

When Should You Compromise?
What you should compromise on: Identi-kit looks - If your last few partners have all looked basically the same it's time to expand your horizons. Tall, dark.

Photo Advice
How many photos should I use? We would advice you to have at least one photo - a good clear photo of your head and shoulders, think passport photo, but with a.

Messaging Dos and Don’ts
Do send messages to people who have favourited you - Adding someone to your favourites list is the grown up way of pulling their hair in the playground. If.

5 Reasons to Try Online Dating
Choice - Most people don't see thousands of new faces every day, but online You know that people are single - In real life, people don't wear badges saying.

Making the Most of Your Subscription
If you're currently a free member of Muddy Matches you'll know that there are lots of like-minded people to get to know better. However, you won't be able.

Summer Solstice Date Ideas
Head to Stone Henge - You may have driven past Stone Henge hundreds of times without thinking of stopping, or have been there on a school trip..

5 Reasons to Join a Niche Dating Website
A website tailored to your interests - Joining a niche dating website will mean that the website is set up to meet your needs. So, for example if you like.

What to Share Online
Do share your first name - It feels more personal to use someone's real name than it does to use a strange username with a combination of letters and numbers..

Help…My Ex is Online Dating
We get a lot of phone calls and emails from people who are concerned about their ex partner being a Muddy Matches member, or that they may potentially be a.