Dating Articles

When it comes to the perfect partner, we’ve all got an idea of what they’ll look like, sound like, work as… but when it comes down to it the most.

Would You Let Your Parents Review Your Dates?
This week Britney Spears announced that her dad had pre-vetted her new man by running a background check on him. Is this the sign of a caring dad or an.

Manners Cost Nothing
Manners cost nothing is the sort of quip that you probably heard from your parents as a child when you forgot to say please or thank you, but it’s also an.

How to Market Yourself
There are two ways to go about internet dating; you can sit back and hope for the best, or you can be proactive and make sure that you get the most out of it.

Being too honest – What You Should and Shouldn’t Reveal
We’re all told that honesty is the key to any good relationship; be that with friends, family or your partner, but there is such a thing as being too honest,.

How to Find a Genuine Dating Website
Like most things in life it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch and recently dating websites have been given a bad name. There are lots of good dating.

Dating Message Safety Tips
We take online dating safety very seriously, so along with tips about how to protect your safety on your profile and in your photos, here is a guide to dating.

Last Minute Rural Halloween Costumes
If you’ve been invited to a Halloween party and are looking for a fun rural take on a costume, look no further than these low cost, last minute ideas. Yes, I.

5 Dating Profile Tips
Writing your online dating profile can be daunting, but once you get started it's well worth the effort (after all online dating is one of the most successful.

Do Traditional Dating Values Apply Online?
The simple answer is 'no', but that would make a very short blog post, so I'll elaborate... Anyone can make the first move - Traditionally it thought that.