Dating Articles

How long you spend on an online dating website can depend on a number of factors; how proactive you are, whether you live in a heavily populated area, the.

Guest Post: What Women Should Know
Whether they are hoping to meet their life partner or just looking to go out for a few dates, more and more people are turning to using online dating sites..

There’s No Such Thing as a Bad Date
You’ve just got back from a date with someone who you found to be about as attractive as a mouldy sandwich, but all is not lost. There's no such thing as a.

Guest Post: Dating After Divorce
When we said our wedding vows or made our commitments to our partners we never imagined that one day we’d be facing separation and divorce. We never imagined.

You Said What?
They say that first impressions count, and when it comes to dating you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. So here are a few things you.

I’ve Only Got 5 Minutes to Spare
If a lack of time is putting you off online dating, here's our guide to making the most of online dating with just a few minutes to spare: Go mobile - Muddy.

Guest Post: Build Photo Selfie Esteem this Christmas
Holiday season is the time of the year when selfies and group celebration photos run into upload mayhem. Whether it’s the office party, a family get-together.

How Much Should I Spend on a New Date?
It's nearly Christmas, which means you are either a) daydreaming about the upcoming event, b) hiding under a blanket and occasionally muttering Bah Humbug, c).

How to Write an Opening Message
From 8th-14th of December 2014 we will be giving 10p per message that is sent on Muddy Matches to R.A.B.I., which will hopefully encourage people to be brave.

Why Haven’t They Replied to My Message?
No, this isn't a delayed Halloween post (we do know what the date is). This post is to let you know the inadvertent ways in which people can frighten off.

The Perfect Profile
Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a Chelsea based Celebrity Life Coach, Wellness Expert and Relationship Expert. Sloan is famous for her six step coaching model.