Online Dating Articles

When you think of the countryside, you may have images of natural, ruddy-cheeked people with farmer's tans..

Why Muddy Matches is Right for You
There are thousands of online dating websites out there; in fact we’re starting to wonder if there will be one per person within the next few years, so how.

5 Messages You Shouldn’t Send
Having an online dating profile with no intention of sending any messages is a bit like going to the supermarket just to have a look around. So, sending.

Making the Most of the Valentine’s Weekend
The Valentine’s weekend is always busy for Muddy Matches, with thousands of people keen to get talking to potential matches. We also have our Free Messaging.

Guest Post: Scientifically Proven Dating Profile
This guest post was contributed by Duana C. Welch, Ph.D., the author of Love Factually: 10 Proven Steps from I Wish to I Do, now available; this is a.

Top 10 Unromantic Gifts
With Valentine's Day coming up soon, you may be wondering what to buy for your new date. Instead of providing a list of presents that you could buy, we've.

5 Tips for First Date Preparation
Here are 5 things to think about before you set off for your first date, from knowing who to look out for, to knowing what to say. 1. Know who they are -.

How Long Does it Take to Find Love Online?
How long you spend on an online dating website can depend on a number of factors; how proactive you are, whether you live in a heavily populated area, the.

Guest Post: What Women Should Know
Whether they are hoping to meet their life partner or just looking to go out for a few dates, more and more people are turning to using online dating sites..

Guest Post: Dating After Divorce
When we said our wedding vows or made our commitments to our partners we never imagined that one day we’d be facing separation and divorce. We never imagined.