You may think that we are pretty keen to have repeat custom and thus short relationships, but we're suckers for a success story and we love nothing more than.
Breaking up is no fun for anyone, both the dumpee and the dumper are left feeling upset for different reasons; the dumpee for losing their partner and for.
Everything seems to be going well, we’ve had a few conversations with a couple of people online, we’re planning a date, or even on a second or third one..
Your attachment style influences how you behave in a relationship and what type of relationship that you desire. There are three main types of relationship.
We get a lot of phone calls and emails from people who are concerned about their ex partner being a Muddy Matches member, or that they may potentially be a.
You’ve just got back from a date with someone who you found to be about as attractive as a mouldy sandwich, but all is not lost. There's no such thing as a.
Dating rules are repeated time and time again, because they have been tried and tested. However, there are lots of dating rules that get broken on a regular.
If you've just started a relationship and aren't sure whether the person is right for you, there are two options; wait and see or cut your losses. Here are a.
The Muddy Matches Dating Blog has been nominated for the Great Dating Blog awards in the category of Best Niche Dating Blog. The prestigious and independent.
Whether you thought it was fantastic to see farmers in a reality TV show, or if you thought that First Time Farmers was a bit too glossy, it has sparked a lot.