Dating Sites UK Articles

Everything seems to be going well, we’ve had a few conversations with a couple of people online, we’re planning a date, or even on a second or third one..

Muddy Healthy New Year
You know that it's January when the shops are full of weight loss products and every other conversation is about being on a diet. We're really not keen on.

Lessons from Undateables
Whether you love it or hate it, controversial dating series Undateables can teach us a lot about dating. Here are a few things that the new series has shown us.

Dating Red Flags
There's no point wasting time dating people who aren't right for you, so here are some things to look out for early on that may suggest that your.

Online Dating for Shy People
Believe it or not, online dating is the perfect place to meet someone if you are shy. Instead of having to fight for conversation in a noisy bar, or try to.

Replying to Messages
Sending a message to someone is perhaps the most intimidating, but essential parts of online dating. However, replying to messages needn't be a stressful.

Festive Dating Dilemmas
Should I take my new date to Christmas parties? Before taking your new date to any Christmas dos think about how comfortable they are interacting with.

How do I Protect Myself from Scammers?
Online dating is generally a safe way to meet a partner, but it is important to be aware of how to be aware that scammers do exist. Here are 10 ways in which.

How to find ‘The One’
There are a number of reasons why people join online dating dates - whether it's to few fun dates with a like-minded person Find your niche If you're looking.

Online Dating Toolbox
Spell check The Muddy Matches website has an inbuilt spell check function, which means that it will underline any spelling mistakes in red. When you hover over.