Dating Sites UK Articles

When Should You Compromise?
What you should compromise on: Identi-kit looks - If your last few partners have all looked basically the same it's time to expand your horizons. Tall, dark.

Messaging Dos and Don’ts
Do send messages to people who have favourited you - Adding someone to your favourites list is the grown up way of pulling their hair in the playground. If.

5 Reasons to Try Online Dating
Choice - Most people don't see thousands of new faces every day, but online You know that people are single - In real life, people don't wear badges saying.

Making the Most of Your Subscription
If you're currently a free member of Muddy Matches you'll know that there are lots of like-minded people to get to know better. However, you won't be able.

How Many Members Have Googled a Date?
In a time where 50% of people in the UK and Ireland have a Facebook account, it is easier than ever to find out about your date via social media and a via a.

I’m Not Very Good With Technology
Online dating, by its very nature, involves using technology to find matches. It's easy to say I'm not very good with technology and to dismiss the whole.

Stargazing Date Ideas
You may have noticed the solar eclipse on 20th March 2015, which caused excitement across the Nothern Hemisphere, but there are still lots of exciting.

Top 10 Unromantic Gifts
With Valentine's Day coming up soon, you may be wondering what to buy for your new date. Instead of providing a list of presents that you could buy, we've.

Why Haven’t They Replied to My Message?
No, this isn't a delayed Halloween post (we do know what the date is). This post is to let you know the inadvertent ways in which people can frighten off.

5 Great Reasons to Subscribe Today
Waiting could make you miss out - Our latest success story proves that waiting one more day could mean that you miss out on meeting the love of your life..