Dating Sites UK Articles

Choose a clear Main Photo Your Main Photo is the most important photo on your profile as it will appear in people's searches. You don't need to panic about.

5 Wet Weather Dates
Sadly it looks like a rain is here to stay for a bit longer (or snow in some parts of the UK), so it seemed fitting to come up for some ideas for enjoying a.

What’s in a Star Sign?
It wasn't too long ago that we didn't even have a star-sign option on Muddy Matches, but we've recently discovered just how important someone's star sign.

Signs Someone isn’t Ready to Date Yet
Before we start, there are exceptions to every dating rule, so there may be people who fit into these categories who are in fact ready to date. I can't be.

Online Dating Tips For the New Year
As the new year kicks in, new year’s resolutions are refreshed and everyone works on self development. For some people, this means sticking to their workout.

How to Meet People Who Share Your Interests
If you're looking to meet single farmers, equestrian singles or outdoorsy people there Muddy Matches is the best place to start, however there are other.

4 Ways Online Dating Can Help After a Breakup
One of the hardest challenges people face after a breakup is getting back in the dating game. It’s hard to accept yourself as a single, let alone go out to.

5 Dating Profile Tips
Writing your online dating profile can be daunting, but once you get started it's well worth the effort (after all online dating is one of the most successful.

Do Traditional Dating Values Apply Online?
The simple answer is 'no', but that would make a very short blog post, so I'll elaborate... Anyone can make the first move - Traditionally it thought that.

Muddy Matches – Getting Started
If you are new to online dating the whole thing can be a little confusing, so we’ve created a guide to getting started. Signing up Joining Muddy Matches is.